National Association of Professional Process Servers

National Association of Professional Process Servers Technology Blogs

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2023 Court Technology Conference  09/20/2023

The Court Technology Conference sponsored by the National Center of State Courts was held in Phoenix from Sept 12-15, 202 . The conference lasted 3 ...

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Technology Enhancements to Notarization Process in 43 States-March 2023  04/05/2023

Technology Enhancements in Notary Law  March 2023 E Notary- Remote online Notary (RON) vs Standard Notary: Do you know the rules? Signer bewar ...

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2023 Technology Framework for Small Business  04/05/2023

2023 Suggestion Overview For Small Business Technology Framework   Email – Office 365 Exchange, Access Email form Anywhere with internet ...

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SEO Update and Court Technology Changes  01/07/2020

The technology committee continues to work to increase our ranking and presence on Google, Bing and Yahoo. Our Search Engine Optimization “SEO ...

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NAPPS Find a Server Report  12/07/2019

The technology committee continues to work with the SEO Company to increase our ranking and presence on Google, Bing and Yahoo. One of the committee&r ...

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The Benefits of Social Media  06/07/2019

Most social media outlets are conceivably some of the best and cost-effective forms of uninterrupted advertising, yet many businesses do not take adva ...

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CEPEJ adapts official guidelines on the use of Artificial Intelligence  12/06/2018

For the past several years a committee on the use of Artificial Intelligence and predictive justice held numerous meetings writing guidelines for the ...

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CEPEJ Study Group on Artificial Intelligence  06/29/2018

On June 27th, I attended a working session of CEPEJ, the authority which monitors and sets guidelines for the efficiency of justice in the Council of ...

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23rd Congress of the UIHJ  05/08/2018

     Gary Crowe, Sue Collins, Fred Blum and President Mike Kern attended the 23rd triennial congress of the UIHJ May 1-4 in Bangkok.&nb ...

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Swedish Government to use Blockchain technology  03/09/2018

Sweden's land-ownership authority is soon expected to conduct their first Blackchain technology property transaction affter two years of testing on Ma ...

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Innovative Justice Forum  12/09/2017

The Innovation of Justice Forum was held on December 7th at the Peace Palace in The Hague. The meeting was attended by judges, professors and ...

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CyberJustice Lab in Montreal, Canada  11/28/2017

  President Mike Kern, Gary Crowe and Sue Collins visit the Cyber Justice Lab  The CyberJustice lab at the University of Montreal held a ...

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Court Technology Conference in Salt Lake City  09/20/2017

     Sue Collins, Tech Chair attended the Court Technology Conference held in Salt Lake City to represent NAPPS and it's members. ...

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NAPPS to attend the Court Technology conference  09/05/2017

Sue Collins, technology chair will attend the Court Technology conference in Salt Lake City next week.  This conference will update NAPPS on what ...

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Process Server Technology and You!  08/24/2017

Wow! Another great year in the books for the technology committee. My committee has been working on many projects over the past year regarding the ...

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Technology Committee Report and Website Updates - 2/11/2017  02/21/2017

My committee has been working on several projects. Some examples are the continuous updates to website, creation and design of the NAPPS App, producti ...

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Technology Committee Report - Website Update - 12-1-16  01/05/2017

As the Technology chair, I have been looking for ways to enhance the NAPPS Job Post feature. Some of ways are installing of Google Maps, drop down of ...

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Technology Committee Report - Website Update - 8/13/2016  10/27/2016

Since the transfer of the NAPPS website from GoDaddy Hosting to DBS, we have able to see the many benefits in the last year.  Some examples are t ...

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Technology Committee Report – NAPPS Conference – Albuquerque, New Mexico 2016  10/27/2016

Over the last twelve months I have been able to achieve many of the goals, I outlined at the NAPPS conference in Washington D.C. last year.  Some ...

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NAPPS Technology Committee Report – February 6, 2016  02/08/2016

As previously reported a group called OASIS recently proposed standards regarding e-service, which NAPPS provided comments, edits and insight in order ...

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NAPPS Technology Committee Report 11-7-15  01/29/2016

Since our conference in Washington, DC the committee has been engaged on several of the following projects:  First, by bringing fresh ideas and a ...

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NAPPS Technology Committee Report 8-8-2015  08/18/2015

I have taken on this commitment with great enthusiasm and a desire to enable NAPPS to be more interactive with its members and the general public, whi ...

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